Creating new habits can take time and dedication, therefore here I am sharing 5 tips for you to be successful doing so.

1 – Be Specific – Describe in detail the new habit you will like to adopt. Ex: Drink 2 liters of water every day.
2 – Find your Motivation – Take a moment to ask yourself and analyze why you want to adopt this habit? Why is it important to you? How will you benefit from it in the short and long run? How will it make you feel?
3 – Take Small Steps – Start focusing on one or two habits at a time and commit to them for at least 3 weeks. According to many studies it takes 21 days to create a new habit
4 – Have a Habits Diary or Tracker – It’s a good way to keep you focus and to measure your progress.

5 – Celebrate – Applaud your advancements, no matter if they are big or small.
Hope these tips are helpful and let me know how the habit diary works for you.